Title: Message
We are working on a processing system which uses UDP to receive raw data. The burst data rate is about 325 MBit/sec and the packet rate is about 28500 packets/sec. Our challenge is to receive these data without loosing anything (or as little as possible). We are using WinPcap 3.1 beta 2 and our software is written in VS2003/C++. Ther kernel buffer has been increased to 50 Mbyte. The computer is a 3.2 GHz dual Xeon running Win XP Prof. Data is received in bursts of up to 0,5 sec.
Our experience so far is that we loose about 3-5% when we do simple processing parallell to data reception. The data receiver is running in a separate thread and I have tried to increase the priority, but this did not make a large improvement.
When only receiving data and not doing anything else I am able to receive almost 100% of the data. This, however, is not a good solution for us, as we are trying to make a close to realtime processing system.
My question is: is it possible to recompile the WinPcap kernel driver so that the driver gets a higher priority? Or can anyone suggest a good way to receive data without loss and do processing at the same time? I have also been thinking of moving some of our first-line processing into the kernel-driver. Has anyone tried that?
Best regards,

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