I have seen this same behavior when sniffing packets on a VPN connection. What 
we found was that the VPN client driver (which sits below the WinPCap driver) 
had a bug where it didn't support the hardware filter 
NDIS_PACKET_TYPE_ALL_LOCAL. It was not looping back the outgoing packets back 
up the NDIS stack to the WinPCap driver, so we never saw them. You might try 
using a different PPP client to see if it will work. You might also get the 
latest drivers for your PPP client to see if it was an issue and was fixed. 
Finally, you might want to ask the support folks for your PPP client if they 
are aware of any issues related to loopback traffic and their driver. In any 
case, I suspect that the problem is not in WinPcap, but another driver that is 
being used.

Thank you, 
David Barnish

"God does not play dice!"
 -- Albert Einstein

"Not only does God play dice with the Universe - he sometimes casts them where 
they can't be seen."
 -- Stephen Hawking

-----Original Message-----
From: G. Menge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 4:14 AM
To: winpcap-users@winpcap.polito.it
Subject: [WinPcap-users] Can only see incoming packets


   I use WinXP Home Edition SP2 and wanted to trace some network problems 
with Ethereal 0.10.9. I installed WinPCap V3.1 beta4 and I captured all 
traffic on the PPP interface of my dial-up connection. However, I only saw 
the packets that were incoming and could not see any packets going out of my 
computer. There was no filter in effect.

   Can anybody help me with this?



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