First of all, please write in english on this mailing list.

Regarding your problem: try to install the core sdk from


Stefano Spinelli wrote:
ho un problema con winpcap 3.1beta4.
In fase di compilazione (con MS Visual C++ 6.0 su S.O. Windows XP SP1) ottengo i seguenti 3 errori:
c:\winpcap\wpdpack_3_1_beta4\wpdpack\include\packet32.h(203) : error C2079: 'IPAddress' uses undefined struct 'sockaddr_storage'
c:\winpcap\wpdpack_3_1_beta4\wpdpack\include\packet32.h(204) : error C2079: 'SubnetMask' uses undefined struct 'sockaddr_storage'
c:\winpcap\wpdpack_3_1_beta4\wpdpack\include\packet32.h(205) : error C2079: 'Broadcast' uses undefined struct 'sockaddr_storage'
Da notare che in passato con WinPCap 3.0 questo non succedeva ...
Potete aiutarmi?
Grazie in anticipo.
Stefano Spinelli

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