I've implemented winpcap through python and am actually receiving packets:

Ethernet(src='\x00\x0e5\x10R@', dst='\x00\x0ff2>\x84', data=IP(src='\xc0\xa8dd', dst='D\t\x10\x19', sum=8292, len=64, p=17, ttl=128, id=41242, data=UDP(dport=53, sum=2040, sport=1605, ulen=44, data='\x16e\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03www\google\x03com \x00\x00\x01\x00\x01')))

note captured via ethernet. So what is the \x format and how do I convert it to something legible?

3www\google\x03com <- 03 is not a hex value for a period

this is driving me a bit nuts, note I an definitely NOT an expert on network, packets, etc. Just trying to create some legibility in python.
Thanks for the help

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