Ciao winpcap gods,
(always good to start a cry for help with a sign of respect, eh?)

I am trying to write a packet transmit tool using winpcap, since Msoft in
their infinite unwisdom removed raw socket support from XPSP2. 

In order to save much time (and because pressing F7 is not hard), I decided
to compile your TG and sendcap sample programs, using VC++ 6.0 (SP6).  This
is with Winpcap 3.0 final, btw.  Running the TG program crashes (pops up the
cutsie Microsoft dialog window for "Windows encountered a problem, would you
like to send us a report that will never be looked at?").  That's if I
actually type in the command line options for adapter and num-pkts.  If I
only put in the num-pkts switch and manually choose the adapter, it says
"Error sending the packets", but doesn't crash.  Meanwhile sendcap doesn't
work either, and keeps saying Error opening the adapter.  

Being a good citizen I downloaded Windump (both recent versions) and tried
the -D switch, and it can't run due to not being able to find an entry point
pcap_dump_flush in wpacp.dll (for new windump), or entry point opterr (for
old windump). I also tried it with your special packet.dll with debug info.

For posterity I tried this on a different machine running XPSP1 - same
results for all above.  I also compiled both pktdump and netmeter and they
work fine, as does Ethereal, on both machines. (of course they all receive,
not send)

So... am I missing something?  Is there someplace I can download a compiled,
working version of TG or sendcap to try out? (that would be a good addition
to the developer pack, by the way - compiled executables of the samples).

One machine has an Intel Pro 1000 MT, the other a Broadcom NetXtreme GigE
(both on-board).

Arrivederci and Mille Grazie!


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