On Mar 30, 2005, at 1:44 PM, Mario Hollibaugh wrote:

I am no expert with winpcap by far, but The first thing that strikes me is that you are defining your packet handler as a member of the class TableState. Perhaps your callback function, packet_handler... whatever you decide to call it, needs to be a standalone function and not part of the class. Also you referenced wrapping the code in extern "C", and I see the idea there is to tell the linker to expect C functions not C++. I was reading a site the other day on using the extern keyword with C++ class members to tell the linker to give them C linkage, and I don't think it's that simple from what I read. I just googled for like 15 minutes and I can't find that site again, but I KNOW the site contained details on how to give C linkage to something that's in a C++ class member function.

Some Googling for

    calling C++ class members from C



which says:

    3          Linking C to C++ Objects

There’s no way in which you can declare C linkage for member functions of classes. Therefore the only way to call them from C is to go via a non-member function as intermediary. This is referred to as a “glue function”.

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