I have been having problems on my Android phone (Moto G4)
with the Google Play Store. New apps refuse to download,
and existing apps refuse to update.

I had an early version of Wireguard installed on this phone.

I caught an offhand comment from someone on this list who
was having a similar problem, so in an act of "just try things
out to see what might fix things", I uninstalled Wireguard.
Now the Google Play Store works just fine.

Sorry, not enough detail to debug this yet, but when I get
a few months worth of app updates installed (!) I'll let you know
when I reinstall Wireguard whether it breaks things or not.
Suggestions for debugging tools welcomed.

whew, thought I needed a new phone,


Edward Vielmetti +1 734 330 2465
WireGuard mailing list

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