On Sat, 29 Jun 2019 12:38:01 +0200
Christopher Bachner <he...@chrisbox.org> wrote:

> In htop I can see that one of the 4 cores is running at 99%. So I assume
> that is the bottleneck.
> Is there a way to improve this? I assume it does not matter which side is
> the server and which is the client?

You can see that the load from WireGuard encryption is about 42-43% per each
core. But the thing is, one of them (the 1st) also gets to process interrupt
load from the NIC, and that consumes the rest of it, causing the bottleneck. In
theory, if you could limit WG to run encryption on all cores EXCEPT the first
one, then maaaaybe...

Another way would be to use a NIC which is capable of splitting interrupt load
across multiple CPU cores. But I believe the RPi one can't do that, and no USB
NICs can.

With respect,
WireGuard mailing list

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