On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 16:33:44 +0100,
 Germano Massullo <germano.massu...@gmail.com> wrote:
A simple question to Wireguard developers, since while asking for help
in OpenWRT forum[1] I have been told that I am asking a thing that
Wireguard cannot do, so I want to ask upstream if it is possible or not

A = internet (WAN) host (WireGuard IP
B = OpenWRT router (WireGuard IP
C = LAN host (WireGuard IP

I want to:
1) connect A to C passing through B. I don't want to expose C to
internet at all, (so no things like port forwarding)
2) A must have C public key (and viceversa), so in case of B being
compromised, the A<->C VPN will not be compromised.

In a few words, I want B to just route forwards packages from A to C.

This set of requirements seems odd.
Do you not trust C to be able to properly ignore unwanted packets?

It is possible to have C ignore layer 3 traffic (DHCP traffic is special) that is not using the tunnel. Inbound you block all traffic not destined for the tunnel's port. Outbound you block all traffic not tagged as tunnel traffic. (Wireguard provides a way to tag tunnel traffic.) The default route should be through the tunnel. Tunnel traffic should be routed through B. The configuration gets trickier if you want to send traffic to A's external address as then you have a routing dependency not based on the destination address. You can do this by having two routing tables using the tag to pick which table gets used.

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