Am 16.04.2021 um 10:57 schrieb Stefan Haller:
After applying Toke's patch for bird and your Wireguard patch in
a7a84a17faf784 everything is working as before (with minor config

Just for the record, my previous configuration looked like this (using
POINTTOPOINT interfaces, I use ifconfig to set the peer address):


Just following the conversation and also had a quick chat with Jason via IRC (mimugmail). We had a couple of reports that with latest change of removing PTP which breaks OSPF. In our case (OPNsense) we rely on FRR so it would be nice to have a generic solution without toucingh routing software itself.

So for me everything works as expected again. A big thanks to all of you for
figuring out what was going wrong and getting it fixed so quickly.

I set up a lab and will do some testing with version before and after the change, maybe for FRR it's enough to set NBMA or similar.



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