On Thu, 20 May 2021 00:28:08 +0200
Vicente Bergas <vice...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is a public IP assigned to the router. The IP is dynamic, so, it
> can change from time to time, but, once assigned, it is exclusive to
> the router.
> There is no carrier-grade NAT.
> I've configured the router to forward the wireguard port to the
> server, so, it is like the server is directly connected to the
> Internet.
> I think the PersistentKeepalive on the server side is not required. Is it?

I believe it is. Consider the server public IP has changed. The server sends
no Keepalives. The client sends them to the server's old IP. The whole thing

> So, what do you mean is that wireguard does a single DNS resolution at
> the beginning and further DNS resolutions need to be done elsewere. Is
> that correct?


With respect,

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