A few weeks ago I pushed some changes to the wireguard-apple
repository (an/shortcuts-integration branch [1]) and also created a
pull request on GitHub [2] as indicated in the message returned by the
server on git push.

However, there was no sign of a review/merge. Is there anything I can
do to speed up the process? Do you have an ETA for the next WireGuard
iOS app update? I have tried my best to facilitate this, because I
really need the Siri Shortcuts integration to be available and I don't
want to distribute a custom version of the WireGuard iOS app just to
add this integration.

Thank you,
Alessio Nossa

[1] https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-apple/log/?h=an/shortcuts-integration
[2] https://github.com/WireGuard/wireguard-apple/pull/8

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