I too am happy to read and help evaluate propos

I too am happy to read and help evaluate proposals for conference talks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles R. Bartel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Asking for E2006 Emering Technoogies and Practices
Track Proposal Reviewers

Dear friends,

I am writing to ask favor.  I am on the 2006 EDUCAUSE Program Committee
working on the Emerging Technologies and Practices track.  Every year the
program committee solicits volunteers to read and help evaluate proposals
for conference talks.

It's really not such a big job, and the opportunity to see what so many
colleagues are working on is well worth the effort (IMHO)

As a reviewer, you will be asked to review 10-15 proposals (depending on the
number of proposals submitted and readers recruited).  Each proposal is, on
average, 3-4 pages in length and can be reviewed in 15-20 minutes. There is
an online evaluation tool that lets you see the proposals and comment on
them--and the EDUCAUSE folks provide excellent support to make sure the
process is smooth.

I would really appreciate your combined expertise if you have the time.
Please forward this invitation to anyone you know who might be interested in
reading Emerging Technology and Practices proposals.  In particular it is a
good, low workload professional development opportunity for anyone trying to
get started participating with EDUCAUSE--so please think about first-timers
and new people in your organization as well.

If I haven't convinced you yet, it probably won't help to mention that you
will get your name in the EDUCAUSE program.

If you know of anyone that is interested in participating as a reader,
please have them send me email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Slots are filling up, so 
best chance to participate is by sending me email by the end of this week

Best regards,
Chuck Bartel
Director of Network Services
Project Director, Wireless Andrew
Carnegie Mellon University

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent
Group discussion list can be found at http://www.educause.edu/groups/.

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at http://www.educause.edu/groups/.

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