It probably is no surprise but we have a 1252-based pilot in operation
now, with ongoing conversations about when/how to expand. All of the
concerns raised so far are valid, and under discussion. Currently we're
using individual power injectors to Gig switches, but we all know how
well individual injectors scale. :)

It's a small pilot.. only 8 APs, but interesting nonetheless. Apple
laptops manufactured since ~January and other vendors since ~June often
have 802.11a/b/g/(pre)-n, and they are definitely connecting using 'n'
in the pilot area. Of course they are connecting fine using a/b/g


Lee Weers wrote:
We are looking at a campus wide wireless deployment, and my supervisor is pushing for a complete Cisco 1252 with N draft 2.0 capability. We would have about a total of 250 to 300 AP's in full deployment. Our wired infrastructure is currently 100% Procurve with about 90% of it being 10/100 switched. I'd like to know what other schools are doing with 802.11n.

Thank you,
Lee Weers
Assistant Director for Network Services
Central College IT Services
(641) 628-7675

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