KSC_Guest - blusocket controlled, internet access only

KSC_Student - no controls or encryption but dumps in behind our CCA so
they have to log in there to get anywhere. Student primarily use this
because of simplicity.

KSC_Secure - WPA, 802.1x, required for fac/staff to access any on campus
resources. Optional for students. If students select it our
controller/radius arrangement puts them into the same vlan as the
KSC_Student SSID so they also have to comply with CCA including the
login. Very few students use it since it would require specific settings
on their PC and two logins

Couple other select ones for special applications. All begin with
"KSC_". So it seems we are nearly the same as you.


Thank you,

Gregory R. Scholz

Director of Telecommunications

Information Technology Group

Keene State College



--If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do
it over?

--Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

                - John Wooden


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
[mailto:wireless-...@listserv.educause.edu] On Behalf Of Nathan Hay
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 3:12 PM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless network names


We are trying to decide on some network names for our various networks
and we are looking for input from other schools.


Would anyone mind sharing their SSID names and a brief description of
their target audience of devices/users?


We are specifically interested in choosing a new name for our SSID that
is primarily for smartphone/PDA/iPhone/iPod touch devices.


Here's what we have currently:


cedarwireless-guest:  coffee shop type wireless with limited access,
only in academic buildings

cedarwireless-special:  non-broadcast SSID for
smartphone/PDA/iPhone/iPod touch and game consoles

cedarwireless-unsecure:  clear network with captive portal for laptops
(students and others)

cedarwireless-secure:  WPA2-Enterprise network for laptops (students and











Nathan P. Hay
Network Engineer
Computer Services
Cedarville University
www.cedarville.edu <http://www.cedarville.edu/>  

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Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group 
discussion list can be found at http://www.educause.edu/groups/.

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