It would seem that Princeton could temporarily (or permanently) avoid the 
problem, and thus all the media hype and blocking of the iPads, by simply 
increasing their DHCP lease time from their stated 1-3 hour time to something 
more reasonable. Unless your base of devices include a large number of 
drive-bys (devices seen only once and never again), I'm not sure that a lease 
time of 1-3 hours will result in better DHCP IP address pool use than say a 
lease time of 24 hours.

We toyed with extremely short leases years ago but found they resulted it 
various device anomalies. We now run with lease times of at least 24 hours and 
our average IP address consumption changed very little. 


>>> "Zeller, Tom S"  04/18/10 8:54 PM >>>

iPad gets DHCP lease.  If iPad happens to be sleeping during the renewal
time it awakens and uses the IP number forever (until shut down of unit or
WiFi or going out of range)

Tom Zeller
Indiana University

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