If you're part of the Apple developer program, I find that submitting
OS X bug reports against wireless will typically result in contact with
appropriate developers. Also, engaging Cisco at certain levels can
assist you with gaining access to Apple WiFi development people. 

>>> On Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 10:29 AM, in message
Lee H Badman <lhbad...@syr.edu> wrote:

Beyond being in for-fee development programs (must suppress salty
language at this juncture) has anyone established a support channel with
Apple for things like complex wireless/authentication problems that even
remotely comes close to being acceptable and reasonable to an enterprise
customer? If so, can you share how you got there?
Currently, we’re on some bizarre $700 a call sham plan that thus far is
yielding nothing of value, and the double bonus is that only one person
out of our entire network and computing environment is supposedly
allowed to talk with Apple’s *ahem* tech support.  
Love your show,
Bewildered in Upstate
Lee H. Badman
Wireless/Network Engineer
Information Technology and Services
Adjunct Instructor, iSchool
Syracuse University
315 443-3003
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