>At Indiana we have had long had separate guest SSID via a generated
>account (by any faculty or staff, in bulk by convention center types).
>This sorta worked but most people didn't know how to create the accounts
>(or that they could) and there are plenty of visitors for whom no one
>would generate an account.

>We kept that system but did an RFP which went to AT&T.  AT&T is the
>landline company in these parts so not only iphones/ipads but customers
>of AT&T DSL could use the system.  Day passes can be purchased, though I
>doubt much of that has happened.  Traffic on the SSID transits our layer
>2, but uses AT&T IP numbers, which was deemed important as we didn't want
>to provide IP to people we don't know.

>We have their SSID on all 4500 access points and, while I'm a step
>removed from it these days, I haven't heard anything about it one way or
>another which is generally the sign that on some level at least it is
>working.  And I also haven't heard any whining about lack of guest access.

Tom Zeller

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