I had a group of first year students over for a hosted dinner tonight, and
actually brought this subject up to them, as well as the upperclassman
advisors.  Every one of them felt the labs were valuable (or would be, for
the first years), in that there are many software packages that are licensed
to the university, but cost prohibitive for the students (matlab, etc).
They felt the labs in the residential colleges, plus a few others around our
Rice campus, were a very valuable resource, used by most of the students at
some point, and appreciated.

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] [Off-Topic] Computer Labs

On Aug 21, 2013, at 15:56 , "Eric T. Barnett" <ebarn...@astate.edu>
> I was wondering just how useful computer labs are now/will be in the next
two years or so. Getting rid of most or all of those labs would cut down on
costs considerably. I've heard of some colleges dumping computer labs as
they seem to be needed less and less as users have more and more tech
available cheaply. What's your take?

We definitely have fewer computer labs on campus than we used to.  Even for
some applications that traditionally required high horsepower computers run
fine on today's laptops.  Generally labs now are not run by central IT so
much as by individual schools and departments that have specialized needs.
Sometimes the need for a lab is driven not by specialized hardware needs but
by software licensing restrictions.  

Julian Y. Koh
Acting Associate Director, Telecommunications and Network Services
Northwestern University Information Technology (NUIT)

2001 Sheridan Road #G-166
Evanston, IL 60208
NUIT Web Site: <http://www.it.northwestern.edu/> PGP Public

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