On 04/10/13 20:09, Peter P Morrissey wrote:
> I agree, especially since there likely aren't any clients capable of 4 
> streams. I would be thrilled to be proven wrong on that though. Seems like 
> new Macs would be most likely possibilities as they do tend to be ahead on 
> these types of things in spite of all their other wireless issues.

The vendor information I've seen says that 4 spatial streams will debut
with 802.11ac Phase 2 in 2015, along with MU-MIMO (which will be really
worthwhile for us with plenty of 1SS mobile devices).

James Andrewartha
Network & Projects Engineer
Christ Church Grammar School
Claremont, Western Australia
Ph. (08) 9442 1757
Mob. 0424 160 877

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