
On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 05:13:47PM +0000, Wyatt Schill wrote:
> Not sure if any others have tried out code, but thought I'd toss 
> out our issues with it.

Been running it here for a month. So far it seems to have been
working flawlessly, apart from one issue we have hit where the
number of clients on an AP doesn't always decrease (we think a
counting bug in mobile roaming) so stats per AP gradually go up.
It causes a problem when you hit 200 clients on the AP -
workaround we found is to move AP to a different controller, which
resets the client stats. I script shuffling APs around, so that's
trivial to do.

Apart from that, everything looks good. Four controllers in
productions (3x5508, 1x8510) and two 2504's for testing, though
we're not doing HA pairs. Mix of 500+ APs from 1131 through 3702s
and a couple of 1552s.

This week has been the start of term with over 6,000 concurrent
devices and nearly 12,000 unique devices per day.

> 2.       5ghz radios began bouncing.  We would see 1 or 2 random
> WAPs an hour disable their 5ghz radio for a second and then it
> would come right back up.

We've only seen this when DFS kicks in, as expected. It doesn't
seem to happen often.

We did have a problem on the external APs (in the UNII-2 band, or
Band-B here in the UK) as we hadn't enabled those frequencies on
the controller. DFS caused the radio to disable for 30 minutes
(again, per spec). Now they just jump to another channel.



Matthew Newton, Ph.D. <m...@le.ac.uk>

Systems Specialist, Infrastructure Services,
I.T. Services, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

For IT help contact helpdesk extn. 2253, <ith...@le.ac.uk>

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