
On Wed, Oct 08, 2014 at 04:12:37PM +0000, Curtis K. Larsen wrote:
> It seems this info wouldn't be too difficult to grab from syslog
> and graph on a web page somehow.  I am just wondering if any of
> you have already done this or something like this that you could
> share before I re-invent the wheel.  Let me know.

One way to do this is to use the logstash/elasticsearch/kibana
stack. You can feed your syslogs via logstash into elasticsearch,
and Kibana gives an excellent way to query the data via a browser
- not just counting the number of AUTH Accepts/Rejects, but also
plotting logs over time, top N usernames/MACs/etc, and more. And
searching your logs becomes blindingly fast. When the data is in,
plotting accepts vs rejects on a pie chart is trivial.

I've been playing with it over the summer and now have logs from
the wireless controllers, RADIUS and DHCP servers all going in, so
if you search for a client MAC address you see the whole lot -
problems over the air, RADIUS auth + acct, DHCP DORA. It's
beginning to make debugging wireless issues, if I dare say it,
slightly fun.

If you don't want the whole elasticsearch thing, you can use
logstash to output to, e.g. graphite, and turn your syslogs into
graphs that way without having to have scripts that grep logs and
count up matching strings, etc. I've not tried that yet, but it's
on my list to look at!



Matthew Newton, Ph.D. <m...@le.ac.uk>

Systems Specialist, Infrastructure Services,
I.T. Services, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

For IT help contact helpdesk extn. 2253, <ith...@le.ac.uk>

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