It's not Cisco, but applying an ACL on the controller to block access to the 
local subnet might work:

Sent from my Samsung device

-------- Original message --------
From: Oliver Elliott <>
Date: 2015/07/08 19:00 (GMT+08:00)
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Peer-to-peer traffic blocking with multiple controllers

Hi all

We have a Cisco WiSM2 based wireless system here in Bristol which is steadily 
growing. Cisco offer a feature on their controllers called "Peer to Peer 
Blocking", which serves to prevent clients talking to each other. This works 
great if you only have a single controller, however we have 4 pairs in HA, so a 
client can readily see clients that happen to be on a different controller. The 
only solution to this that I can see is to use VACLs/Private VLANs on the host 
Cisco 6500s, but this may have a drastic CPU and/or performance impact on the 

Has anyone else run into this problem and discovered an elegant solution for it?

Oliver Elliott
Senior Network Specialist
IT Services
University of Bristol
t: 0117 39 (41131)
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