Hello everyone,

I have a very interesting problem.  When a faculty members Samsung Galaxy
J1 joins our UC_Secure (802.1x) network, her phone reboots after 2-5
minutes regardless of usage.  Right before the phone reboots, it locks up
for 4-5 seconds.

This particular phone is running Android 5.1.1 kernel version 3.10.49 on

We can leave the phone on a non 802.1x network and it will NEVER reboot.  A
coworker of mine captured the logs of the phone during one of these
reboots.  Nothing ever showed up in the log.  However, the fact that it
doesn't happen on her home wireless network and that it also doesn't happen
on our unsecure network, makes me believe it is a bug with 802.1x.

Has anyone else ever run across this issue?  I haven't heard of anyone else
complaining about this.  So maybe it's just an isolated hardware issue.


*--Jeremy L. Gibbs*
Sr. Network Engineer
Utica College IITS

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