
On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 10:54:59AM -0800, Jake Snyder wrote:
> That's for the great info on FreeRadius.  I don't think this is
> the case in what I'm seeing that, which is specifically that
> Windows AD is not keeping up with NTLM.

OK, that's interesting. I think the issue that others have seen on
this would look like that - and certainly the symptoms sound the
same as you described - so I'm wondering how you came to the
conclusion that it's AD itself rather than something between AD
and ACS.

However, I'm not at all familiar with ACS - I guess it sits on a
member server and probably calls LsaLogonUser directly - so there
is the communication between the member server and the DC, though
I guess that /should/ be fairly slick in theory...

> These are customers with environments that are relatively stable
> and have been performing well for extended periods of time with
> similar user counts.  These are also well below the 256 radius
> session limit.

I'd throw in the consideration of student numbers as well. We
always hit our peak number of wireless clients in February/March
each year, so this is the time problems often show up. Why this
time of year I have no idea! Probably all the new Christmas
presents being connected. :)

> The MaxConcurrentAPI raises the number of worker threads in AD
> so that it NTLM on the DC can keep up with the incoming
> requests.  Why did the performance of NTLM change recently?  I
> have no idea, but it appears it has.

I believe MaxConcurrentAPI helped some people[0] who were having
problems with the FreeRADIUS/Samba setup as well, so again I'm not
entirely sure it's a pointer to AD having necessarily changed.

Maybe reviewing all Windows patches applied to the DCs and ACS
servers in the last 3 months and see if anything seems relevant?
But I'm not sure how easy this is to do.

It's seems very likely to me that sites are seeing a combination
of problems, which could be all of WLC running out of RADIUS IDs,
ntlm_auth/Samba as well as MaxConcurrentAPI - so it wouldn't
surprise me if different things seem to fix the same symptoms for
different sites. It's just that the ACS sites don't have the
ntlm_auth component of the problem, so it may have taken a few
more months of load before the issue reared its head!



[0] see e.g. 

Matthew Newton, Ph.D. <m...@le.ac.uk>

Systems Specialist, Infrastructure Services,
I.T. Services, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom

For IT help contact helpdesk extn. 2253, <ith...@le.ac.uk>

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