The code reliability is pretty good now.  We're running (for the RTLS 
capability) with ~300 3800 series APs.  A couple of lessons learned:

1-  Make sure your AP MSS is adjusted (1363 to 1250 in our case) or you'll see 
slow (like 2Mbps down) speeds on some devices with these APs but not others.
2-  Also remember they still don't have remote spectrum analysis working on 
these, and it seems they are 6-12 months out on delivering it.


Curtis K. Larsen
Senior Network Engineer
University of Utah IT/CIS
Office 801-587-1313

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv 
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 10:07 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] Cisco 3800 Series APs

Couldn’t find a recent discussion on the list archives, so I’ll ask my question.

For those of you that have Cisco 3800 series APs in production, how have they 
been working for you recently?
We currently purchase 3700 series APs as our standard for new installs and 
replacement of our 3500 series APs, but are now considering switching to the 
3800 series.
I heard there were a lot of issues with them at first, but was wondering if 
they’re still troublesome now that they’ve been out in the wild for some time.
Also, does anyone currently have issues using Prime to manage them?

Thanks all,

Bryan Ward
Network Engineer
Dartmouth College Network Services

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