One challenging aspect of a Bluetooth-based approach is that the app must be 
open and in the foreground of the device (which must remain unlocked).  That 
seems to be a common limitation with most other Bluetooth-based approaches 
(including Meridian), although it seems like the UK’s “NHS COVID-19” app has 
implemented a relatively untested workaround:



David LaPorte
Harvard University Information Technology
P: (617) 496-3446

From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Reply-To: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Date: Friday, May 15, 2020 at 12:38
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Wireless location data for contact tracing

I’m not sure that Wi-Fi data will be the best for doing actual contact tracing. 
 Maybe if you’ve got the full blown Meridian location tracking or something 
similar that can tie in Bluetooth-based beacons, but it seems to me that the 
granularity of Wi-Fi only data wouldn’t quite be up to what you’d need for 
effective contact tracing.  I’m not completely convinced that Bluetooth doesn’t 
cast too wide a net either, but it’d be a lot better that Wi-Fi triangulation.

Where we’re anticipating having the discussion around Wi-Fi data is gauging 
user/device density and duration of stay in general areas so that we can gauge 
what areas present the greater risks of exposure.  There was a recent NYT 
article that explored this using cell phone location data.<>

Going back to contact tracing, as of right now we see the value of trying to 
roll our own app or system to be limited given that there’s no way to tell what 
people are going to do when they leave campus.  I’m hoping the state will come 
up with something workable that we can then point everyone here to use.

Julian Y. Koh
Associate Director, Telecommunications and Network Services
Northwestern Information Technology

2020 Ridge Avenue #331
Evanston, IL 60208
Northwestern IT Web Site: 
PGP Public Key: 

On May 15, 2020, at 11:17, McGuire, Michael 

As I’m sure everyone else is doing, we’re working on plans for having our 
campus community rejoin us at some point. The question of “how far back do you 
keep wireless logs” was just asked which of course leads to “we want to see 
where a person has been on a given day”.

This of course has privacy issues along with the technical challenges of 
storing and accessing that data.

Has anyone else been asked to look into this or begun to make preparations for 

Being an Aruba shop we already leverage AirWave reports for our campus police 
when tracing lost or stolen devices as well as where a user has been or devices 
in an area at a specific time.

This request seems to be a larger scale with potentially more moving parts.

- Michael

Michael McGuire
Network Systems Administrator
Monmouth University<>
400 Cedar Avenue
West Long Branch, NJ 07764<*Signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Email*Signature*Generator__;Kysr!!Dq0X2DkFhyF93HkjWTBQKhk!GxdXiJ7V22R-CDaaztQ6k-ODF5Ou3tlHTD5MIYpPr8iu4Avdrb9P8gdGGcZypbLaFMvufg$>

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Think before you print.

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