Hi All,

We’ve been getting more than a few reports of student machines running macOS 
Catalina (varying sub versions of 10.15) experiencing seemingly random crashes 
of Google Chrome (version 84) since their return to campus in the last two 
weeks, but only when connected to our eduroam network. The users are not seeing 
the same behavior when on our PSK or open networks. From the reports we’ve been 
getting, the entire Chrome application force quits by no action of the user. 
We’re working on gathering crash logs from the users but wanted to reach out to 
the group here to see if anyone else has seen similar behavior in their 

This is happening across our campus on different WLCs (all 8540s - some, some and different types of APs (3702, 3802, 9130). So 
far it’s been all personal machines that have been affected (that we are aware 
of) and no other consistencies that we’ve noticed other than running Catalina 
and Chrome 84. This has proven extremely difficult to replicate on demand 
despite having a decent number of reports. Given the wide range of locations 
and varying AP models and code we’re definitely leaning towards an OS or Chrome 
issue but given the difference in behavior on different SSIDs we’ve not 
entirely ruled out the network just yet.

Any insight others may have would be greatly appreciated.



Ross Lindsay | Systems/IT Architect Senior
Information Technology - Network Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Phone: (404) 385-7520<tel:4043857520> | MS Teams: 
Email: ross.lind...@oit.gatech.edu<mailto:ross.lind...@oit.gatech.edu>

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