On our Cisco controllers, I see some devices "connected" and they should be 
issued a DHCP address in this network. They are not getting an IP address 
( Is this a symptom they are not passing with the cert? Thus failing 

Thank you

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Article: Android 11 
tightens restrictions on CA certificates

Can confirm that this "feature" has prevented SecureW2 from onboarding Android 
11 devices to our network.  While the app appears to *deliver* the certificates 
- they are in the drop down when you edit the WiFi Profile - if you attempt to 
connect to the network is sits and spins.  If you edit the profile again, you 
will find that the SecureW2 delivered certificate is no longer in the drop down 
list.  Only "Use system certificates" or "Do not validate" is there...

-----Original Message-----
From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Community Group Listserv 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 8:39 AM
Subject: [EXT] Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] Article: Android 11 tightens restrictions on 
CA certificates

On 2020-09-10 22:19:21, Johnson, Christopher wrote:
> This popped up in my news feed, that's going to affect the user experience 
> even more for onboarding apps for those with private CAs I'd imagine.
> https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhttptoolkit.tech%2Fblog%2Fandroid-11-trust-ca-certificates&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cbjhiggins%40WPI.EDU%7C5ac7d0e54c9043231cc208d8564faaa5%7C589c76f5ca1541f9884b55ec15a0672a%7C0%7C0%7C637354247483916966&amp;sdata=OLv50t%2FT%2Fjj9eK1Dhj05DgE2YspIyuAKrdT5HIbpQs8%3D&amp;reserved=0
> "In Android 11, to install a CA certificate, users need to manually:
>   *   Open settings
>   *   Go to 'Security'
>   *   Go to 'Encryption & Credentials'
>   *   Go to 'Install from storage'
>   *   Select 'CA Certificate' from the list of types available
>   *   Accept a large scary warning
>   *   Browse to the certificate file on the device and open it
>   *   Confirm the certificate install
> Applications and automation tools can send you to the general 'Security' 
> settings page, but no further: from there the user must go alone (fiddly if 
> not impossible with test automation tools)

tldr: I don't think this impacts certificates installed for Wi-Fi networks. 
They are handled differently. I would like someone who has experience with 
actually writing an on-boarding app to chime in, though.

Longer dive:
It is worth noting that when you manually install a CA in Android, it asks if 
you want to install it for "VPN and apps" or "Wi-Fi" (at least on Android 9, 
which is what I'm on). This indicates there is something different on the back 

>From the article, it seems to stem from Google locking down the 
>KeyChain.createInstallIntent() API method [1] in the android.security package. 
>Ultimately what we are after is setting up a wireless profile. How does that 
>work? Well, there is an android.net.wifi package [2]. Let's look there.

There is a WifiConfiguration class, but there is a note that it was deprecated 
in API level 29 (Android 10), and to use WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder instead 
[3]. The article is specifically about Android 11, so we don't care about older 

In the WifiNetworkSpecifier.Builder class, there is a public method 
setWpa2EnterpriseConfig(WifiEnterpriseConfig enterpriseConfig). So we need a 
WifiEnterpriseConfig class [4].

The WifiEnterpriseConfig class has a method setCaCertificate(X509Certificate 
cert) [5] which, as you may have guessed, is used to "Specify a X.509 
certificate that identifies the server." This takes an X509Certificate class, 
which is part of the java.security.cert package. We should be able to provide 
that irrespective of what Android does.

That is all good in theory, but what does an actual onboarding app do? The only 
open source one I'm aware of is eduroamCAT [6]. It seems to have issues with 
Android 10 [7], so it may not be the best example, but it's what I can find. A 
quick grep of the repository for "createInstallIntent" returns no hits. That's 
a good sign. Similarly, a grep for "setCaCertificate" has a hit in 
src/uk/ac/swansea/eduroamcat/WifiConfigAPI18.java. So it looks like eduroamCAT 
needs updated for API level 29, but it doesn't use the problematic method from 
the article (which was added in API level 14).


Jonathan Waldrep
Network Engineer
Network Infrastructure and Services
Virginia Tech

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