I just wanted to say thanks to those who have donated their hard earned money from both of these lists (wireless@wispa.org & equipment-l) thus far. The total as I just checked is $550.00 and there is not a problem finding a place to use it! I will post some more pictures in my photoalbum after while and send a link for any of you who might want a peek at whats happening in these shelters that have been set up.

We have set up wireless links into several of these shelters and set up at least two VOIP phones in each. There are others who are going to setup some PCs now that there is an internet connection in there. The needs of communication with their families and food are their first priorities at this point in time. They all have a shelter over their heads, their medical needs are being met as well as everyone is being fed - - - - that leaves a big gap for communication!! I am the only ISP in the area and we counted 11 shelters within my coverage area. Not all of them are accessible to my wireless coverage today, but we are gonna try to set up a link in the morning to one that is about 12 miles outside my current coverage area.

I have my normal business of wireless to do and I cannot continue to put off my business everyday as I have for the last few days. I am always at least 50 site surveys behind and 30 confirmed installs as well. If there is anyone out there who has the time and enough compassion to come down - - I have some more gear that could be hung, 20 more VOIP phones on the way (compliments of "NUVIO") as well as towers to hang the gear on. I will put you up in my house and feed you well, put you in one of my vans, buy the gas....etc, but I can't offer any pay for this work, but I can guarantee when these folks see the free phones, PCs...etc it is all worth the effort. I can't count the hugs & heart felt "thanks" I got today and yesterday.

If any of you have any "extra" CPE I could use that as well to help make the rest of these VOIP connections into the shelters. I will pull it down and send it back to you when the need is diminished by these evacuees. It may be a month, 3 months or next week. I have humbled myself today and I have no shame in asking for your help this evening. I am awed by the need and I have hung about all the CPE I can afford, I have donated all my VOIP phones, I have donated all my money and have donated more time than I can afford. If you want to send something "I Thank you" from the bottom of my heart. It don't have to be money, send a few cans of beans, corn, canned meat - - - it just don't matter. These folks have NOTHING!! I tell you that we are busing them to schools to take a shower everyday! UNREAL!!

None of the 303 VOIP numbers or the 450 numbers posted below are valid for reaching me right now. You can call those numbers and get an evacuee if you just want to call and see what they are in need of. I am sure the phones will be answered if they arent on the phone with someone they have been trying to reach.

You say it can't ever happen to you? You better just hope and pray that if you are ever in a devastating "tragic" event that there is someone (strangers) that give a damn and will open up their hearts to help a fellow American out.

Call me if you can get down here@
318-728-2552 - home
318-376-2562 - cell
318-728-8600 - office

shipping addy:
Maximum Access, LLC.
107 McManus Rd
Rayville, La. 71269

Mac Dearman
Maximum Access, LLC.
318-728-8600 - Rayville
318-450-4349 - Monroe, La
318-303-4227 - NOC

WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


Archives: http://lists.wispa.org/pipermail/wireless/

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