Grin. Yeah, fiber is going in all over the place. It'll hit every home in the country next week. After all, digging up roads is cheap!

I've had a few people leave DSL for our wireless of late. They all report HUGE increases in performance with us. And they love the fact that they can pick up a phone and call us and we'll actually talk to them. A real person and all.

To understand where broadband is going I think we only have to look to dialup. Look back to about 1992 and put the broadband industry in 2002 in that spot.

The day is coming when people will get 100 meg connections for $10. No one will point out that it's only available to .0000002% of the users nor that it's ad supported and choc full of spyware. But it'll get all the press.

I think that the normal broadband rate is headed for the normal dialup rate of $15 to $25. Speeds (actual not advertised) will be in the 500k to 1.5 meg range. (How many people do you know that pitch a fit because their 56k modem never really hits 56k?)

Sure it's going to get tougher to compete. We can still do it cheaper and better than they can. And we can still go places they can't go. And we can get there faster in almost all cases.

Amazingly there are still independent auto mechanics, restaurants, doctors, radio stations, garbage collectors etc. Somehow I think that the WISPs won't be going away any time soon. Not unless they totally screw the pooch.

(509) 982-2181                                   Equipment sales
(408) 907-6910 (Vonage)                    Consulting services
42846865 (icq)                                    And I run my own wisp! (net meeting)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dawn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 5:36 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] How to compete (was) 30Mbps for $55/month!

Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181 wrote:

Grin.  Sure, we'd all pay $50 for 30 megs.
So go get it for YOUR connectivity and offer 10 megs for $35 and still make a ton of money!

Sorry, can't do it, it's not a resellable connection. However, they will sell you a 30Mbps resellable package for $199/month.

As long as we maintain the ability to buy these types of connections I think it's actually a good thing for the wips.

Unfortunately, we don't.

Our wireless just went from 1.5 megs (was limited by the t-1) to 3 meg with NO increase in cost to the customer. No need for them to call us and ask for the new service either. It just happened for them. The telco NEVER treats their customers that way.

Um, Verizon just doubled their DSL speeds everywhere in their territory from 1.5Mbps to 3Mbps at no additional charge.

Where I think the whole thing is funny is that the telcos and the cable cos don't normally upgrade every few years like the wisps do. They are putting out 30 by 5 megs how far? Our new gear will do over 20 by 20 megs for MILES in all directions! Tomorrow's gear will make that look like a joke. By the time these guys get around to giving away 50 megs we'll already be giving people 75!

You have heard of DOCSIS 2.0 and the newest standard DOCSIS 3.0? You do know that DSL had been upgraded at least three times in the last six year, right? Next up ADSL 2.0+ with 14Mbps (and down from there)

As to the 30Mbps package it goes for as far as Verizon wants to install it, it is fiber! As far as 20Mbps symmetrical, so what? The fiber is essentially limitless as far as bandwidth is concerned while the equipment you mentioned is "Shared" which is really comparing apples to rocks! And unless you know for certain that we are going to get a big chunk of spectrum we are eventually going to reach the limits our bands can provide. Remember, burst and release is a dying business model, the ability to deliver sustained bandwidth speeds is now going to be the rule of the road. This means that 75Mbps shared is not 75Mbps delivered to each customer sustained. BIG difference.
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