You misunderstood. He went out of his way not to send his message at all to the list for fear of being labeled a spammer. I went ahead and sent his information to the list whether he benefits financially or not because his information was very on-topic and is not (in my opinion) spam at all. Mr. Comroe was not a party to sending this information to the list at all. It was my doing completely. I hope this is more clear now.
Thank you,

Dan Petermann wrote:

I have dealt with Mr. Comroe and his software in the past and he is a very helpful gentleman.

I no longer use it, but that is not due to any problems with him or his software. It was for monitoring canopy radios and Moto made changes to the radio firmware that broke compatibility.

I don't think he had any intention to spam. I say give him a second chance.

On Nov 3, 2005, at 3:28 PM, John Scrivner wrote:

I am forwarding this message to the group because this individual is not trying to spam us and is actually benefiting us I think. I am sorry if any of you think this is spam. He did not ask me to forward it onto the list. I feel it is good information and should be shared with the group. I will likely call on him for some assistance myself to see if I can streamline some of my wireless system monitoring and housekeeping tasks.
Thank you Rich,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     Fw: [off-list] Tracking Signal / Noise / Resends / Etc.
Date:     Thu, 3 Nov 2005 12:49:43 -0600
From:     rcomroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On-List I gave you some useful pointers about monitoring methods / tools. Off-list, I'd encourage you to look at I'm pretty small, and just provide tools to wisps at a fraction of what than the larger companies charge. But I know what you're looking for and try to provide that to wisps. If you're interested I could help you out. As far as a vendor membership to WISPA, what's it cost? I sell only a tiny amount of product as a retirement hobby. But if you see what you need, I'd could be persuaded to become a member if it turned out to be mutually advantageous to WISPA as well as I.

I poll about 18 parameters from each radio every 5 minutes or so. Most are retained in a history file that I can look back through, or graph any time interval. Others are strip-charted so multiple charts can be viewed on a web page like MRTG. Beyond just viewing or logging performance, the other thing a WISP really needs is a tool that can script instructions and actions to automate functions ... network management is more than just "viewing / reviewing" performance. Most of the WISPs that use my tool operate Canopy, where the device has snmp and web based interfaces (but the snmp interface in Canopy doesn't really work properly). Therefore some scripts interact by http while most of the continuous polling is done by snmp. Just about any action can be automated by a script and operators typically can automate actions that cycle through all radios performing reconfigurations, searching bridge tables, or anything.


----- Original Message ----- From: "John Scrivner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 11:32 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Tracking Signal / Noise / Resends / Etc.

I am starting to feel the pains of trying to accurately trace problems
in a network that is getting increasingly larger all the time. We have
roughly 20 tower locations now. We have a pretty good picture of what we
are getting for bandwidth use through our MRTG graphs. We can see when
any link completely drops thanks to our What's Up monitoring. We can
easily track and isolate peer to peer abuse and such with traffic
analysis tools in Star OS and Mikrotik as needed.

What we need though is a way to track the other parameters of our
network over time. It would be invaluable to me to be able to look  over
historical records from a hour long window up to a year long window  for
link integrity information. What I mean is this. I would like to see how
a signal level, noise level, number of retransmits, etc. changes over
time in a graph format like MRTG does with bits in and out. It  would be
nice to add other parameters as needed. I know SNMP is supposed to be
able to do this but I do not have the slightest bit of experience  using
that. Is there anyone out there who knows an easy way of getting a
rudimentary level of understanding about using SNMP to extract data such
as this? Maybe someone has a package they use that provides this
information on your network? If any WISPs out there have any  answers to
this please respond on this list. If you are a vendor and your product
can do specifically what I am asking for above then I am sure we would
like to hear about that too. Maybe if a few of us buy your products  you
will consider buying a vendor membership to WISPA also.    :-)
Thanks guys,

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