Good catch Jack!

Here's the letter I just sent to my congresswoman:

Dear Congresswoman McMorris,

As a long time (nearly a decade now) Internet Service Provider and founding
board member of the Wireless Internet Service Provider's Association
( I would like to talk with you or someone from your office.

There are many issues up in the air right now.  And many of the mechanisms
that have been in place over the years that have helped fuel the broadband
revolution are being destroyed.  The '96 telecom act has been all but
gutted.  Former FCC chairman Powell's work at supporting competition to the
cable/telco duopoly is in grave danger.  The spectrum auction system has
proven to be a disaster for broadband services yet looks like it'll be used

With issues like this:
And several open FCC spectrum policy issues on the table and teetering on
the edge of corporate giant vs. entrepreneurs I'm fearful that my industry
is about to be harmed by my own chosen party.

I can't make it out to DC at this time.  If there is a closer office that
you will be at or your best advisor on this issue will be at I'd love the
opportunity to set up a meeting with a handful of my peers.  We'd love the
opportunity to expose you to a segment of the broadband industry that
doesn't have billions per year in lobbing funding available like I've been
told the telco spends.

Thank you for your time.  I look forward to hearing from you.

P.S.  I love getting the news letters.  I'm glad you started using that

Marlon K. Schafer
(509) 982-2181                                   Equipment sales
(408) 907-6910 (Vonage)                    Consulting services
42846865 (icq)                                    And I run my own wisp! (net meeting)

(509) 982-2181                                   Equipment sales
(408) 907-6910 (Vonage)                    Consulting services
42846865 (icq)                                    And I run my own wisp! (net meeting)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jack Unger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 1:30 PM
Subject: [isp-wireless] Congress Is Rewriting the Broadband Laws in 2006

Just a "heads-up" for anyone interested in providing input to your representatives in the House and Senate regarding how rewriting the telecommunications laws will affect your business (either negatively or positively).

Unless you raise your voice, your wishes and desires will remain ignored and unknown.

Said in another way... "If you don't ask... the answer is NO".

Jack Unger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc. Serving the License-Free Wireless Industry Since 1993
Author of the WISP Handbook - "Deploying License-Free Wireless WANs"
True Vendor-Neutral WISP Consulting-Training-Troubleshooting
(Phone 818-227-4220 - VoIP Over Broadband Wireless)

** ISPCON Spring 2006 - May 16 - 18 - Baltimore, MD **
** THE EVENT for ISPs, WISPS, CLECs and WebHosts **
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