Title: Message
Oh well, decided to baby-sit my network and spend the money on joining WISPA ;-)
Maybe I will catch you too, at the next one.
Victoria Proffer

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Linda Pond
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Wispcon?

Hey Victoria,
I heard you were back on track.  You go, Girl! 
Probably will not be able to make WiNOG, but will endeavour to get to an upcoming event.
Linda Pond
Customer Connects
"Bridging Technology Relationships"
613-253-0240 (w)
613-291-2884 (c)
BLOG:  http://lindaleepond.blogspot.com/
----- Original Message -----
From: Victoria
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:29 PM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Wispcon?


Hey Linda,
How are you doing? Been awhile. 
Unfortunately I have not been to a conference in ages.
Had a big legal battle going on with my ex-partner and lost my network for almost two years.
Have it back now and really busy rebuilding it and repairing the damage.
Possibly looking at the WiNOG Conference next month, but afraid to leave my network... :-(
Good luck in your new endeavor!
Best regards,
Victoria Proffer

----- Original Message -----
From: Linda Pond
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Wispcon?

Excellent post, Tom.
I have been an attendee and a presenter at WISPCON I and II.  Once with an Optical Wireless company, Plaintree Systems and once with Marlon's startup of 2002, WNOC.  Both were outstanding experiences.
I personally got alot of value from the WISPCON shows, especially meeting the people behind the posts on this (and other) lists.
Those WISPCON days were more about the relationships.  This list has some close roots, and the shows then were about connecting, wirelessly and spiritually, so-to-speak.  I met Marlon and Bullet and Steve Stroh (hiya Steve!) for the first time in Chicago, and it was a hoot! Learning and having fun are two things that do it for me, especially if I can do them at the same time.
I have been away from the direct WISP loop since 2002, running my own kind of Networking business.  However, I still enjoy the WISP list conversations, and have stayed in touch. 
And am glad I did stay in touch, for I have just signed an agreement to work with a company called Arryba Communications - whose mission is to provide high speed Internet to Rural Eastern Ontario (that's me!).  Besides being obvious self-interest, Arryba has a very interesting business model, and their timing and leadership are spot on.  
I would like to attend a spring show, and would be interested in knowing where the best shows are now, for its time for me to reconnect with the WISP world.  Marlon?  Steve? Victoria? Where do you guys hang?
Linda Pond
Customer Connects
"Bridging Technology Relationships"
613-253-0240 (w)
613-291-2884 (c)
BLOG:  http://lindaleepond.blogspot.com/
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Wispcon?

I do not necessarilly think that the quality of WISPCON has degraded that much. Its more that the attendee WISP base has matured, and looking for new attractions, and new shows have popped up to attract them.  Once a WISP has went to WISPCON 3-4 times in a row, they start trying shows that offer something different.  WiNog offering, more techncial exchange discussion between experienced operators, which has shown to be extremely valueable to the WISPs that have been there done that.  ISPCON, for WISPs looking for more than just wireless technology knowledge. As WISPs mature they start to learn that business strategy is more important, and all operations of the busines such as services, is as important as the wireless technolegy.  This is one of the reasons I got involved with ISPCON, and think its the best overall show.  Its one of the reasons the show is filled by executives as well as staff from the large ISPs. However, each show has its unique benefits. WISPCON has a tremendous amount to offer a newbie WISP, who has one primary goal, to learn what Wireless is about. I'd argue that WISPCON is probably the best show for a new technican to learn more about wireless.  ISPCON has been fantastic for people deciding whether they should get into wireless.  WiNog, for advanced WISPs. However, this is a very generalized summary. You can find a little bit about everything from all the shows. 
My personal opinion is, that if someone had to chose just one show to attend, it would be ISPCON. Because it offers a little about everything, because it has the funding and experience management to be nothing but top professional.  Its also has a VERY strong advisory board of experts that help direct its direction.  However, that opinion is not meant to take anything away from the other shows.  Look carefully at the show agendas, and then pick the one that caters best to the needs you are looking for.  If you want an ALL wireless show, thats not whats ISPCON is all about. Wireless is just one tool in the shed.   
Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Wispcon?

wispcons have historically been very good shows.  We'll see if Mike can get that back.....
ispcon should be a pretty good one.
wca is mostly carriers and muni these days near as I can tell.
that help?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 4:59 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Wispcon?



SO what do most folks here do about shows like wispcon?  I attended the one in DC last year and it appeared to be sparsely attended both on the wisp and vendor sides.  I always thought the shows were a good chance to get together and share ideas etc.  Do you value them?  If you could attend one show would it be wispcon/ispcon/winog?




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