Matt Liotta wrote:

Personally, I see the recruitment efforts as acknowledgment that running a large wireless network isn't as simple as the radio vendors make it out to be.
Go figure, you mean we really can't be replaced by slightly trained monkeys? ;)

Further, I don't see how Earthlink becoming a successful wireless network operator is a good thing for any of us. Unless of course one of our respective companies is actually operating part or all of the network.
I understand the sentiment, although it is not as threatening for us out in BFE, but I do see two benefits.

* It would help to portray wireless as an alternative to cable and DSL. My existing customer get this, but some new customer, especially coming from places that only have DSL and cable look at it as a last ditch alternative like satellite. * It would take more business away from cable and dsl. I don't say this in the 'screw the cableco/telco' sense, but mean it in a more diverse competition is better sense. The less of a strangle hold that cable and telcos have on the internet business, the better off people are.

   Sam Tetherow
   Sandhills Wireless


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