There is a way, it is just more expensive than a CB3 ;)

One idea I have had is to set up a 'walled garden' for unknown DHCP assignments. In other words if they don't match a static lease they go into a seperate address space which is restricted to an internal web site. From they they can log in with their username and password from email and it will automagically figure out what mac goes with what IP address.

The code wouldn't take much in my setup, given their dynamic IP I know what AP they are on. The program then logs into the AP and pulls the DHCP assignment from the lease table. Given the username and password they logged in with I can tell what the IP is suppose to be and I can now update the static lease. This wouldn't be that hard to write since I use MT for my APs.

But looking at the setup I ask myself, wouldn't it just make more sense to go PPPoE instead? Less work on my end, it is standard and there is less stuff to break.

   Sam Tetherow
   Sandhills Wireless

David E. Smith wrote:
Sam Tetherow wrote:
Being five days late on this you have probably already solved it, but
just in case....

Not really, no. :) I'm still in the "planning" phase of this next change
in the network.

The CB3 will request a DHCP address with it's MAC address (assuming it
is set to DHCP).  When the PC or router behind the CB3 requests a DHCP
lease you will see the MAC for that device.  The DHCP REQUEST message
actually contains the MAC address it is requesting an IP for, it is not
just assumed to be the MAC address that is seen making the request.  The
biggest issue I could think of with this setup is when the customers
device changes (new router or NIC) they will have to call into the NOC
and the DHCP assignment will have to be changed.

That's the problem I was hoping to avoid.

Honestly, I really like (from a technical standpoint) the cable modem
solution to all this. DOCSIS addresses pretty much every question I've
ever had, and then some. Heck, it even includes enforcing your bandwidth
quotas right there in the CPE, which gives me fits of giggles every time
I think about it. And it's dead simple for the customer to set up,
because there basically is no set-up to be done.

I'm sure there's a way to duplicate the benefits of DOCSIS on a wireless
network, I just haven't figured it out yet :)

David Smith

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