Mark Koskenmaki wrote:
I have one 900 mhz ap and one client.   When I first set up this client, we
were decidedly NOT LOS and it goes through a few pine and fir trees.
I"m not sure that is only what is in the way.    Possibly a bit of dirt,
too.    For some reason, I appear to have HUGE changes in RSSI.
It appears when we get to around 28 or so, or below, the signal comes up to
what it was when we installed.   That is, around -80 to -85.   When it gets
warm, it appears to fall into the mid -90's... or, basically not working.
Will wet snow on Pac Yagis cause signal loss?
Yes, Mark: I've seen it before -- we once had weather that brought down 5 or 6 900Mhz customers in different of the river (Hudson) and it then became obvious what the common characteristic was: yagi's. We've since changed several of those.

Does frozen snow on trees block less than wet (melting?) snow on trees?

I'm really frustrated with this particular setup, as we've had NOTHING but

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