Jack, Well said. Some have been saying this for years. Load testing
should be a mandatory category of wisp test procedures but it seldom is
even considered. Brad

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jack Unger
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 11:42 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] multi-radio Wi-Fi base stations


I advise using only thoroughly tested hardware. Often when using 
multiple radios in a single enclosure there will be interference issues 
that will only become apparent when the radios become heavily loaded and

have to deliver high throughput. If you deploy without full throughput 
testing (either your custom-built product or someone else's product) you

may think everything is fine until the throughput load(s) start building

up and then you'll find that the box will not deliver the throughput 
that you expected from the multiple radios. This interference happens 
because of leakage from card to card. Even though cards are on different

frequencies, enough wireless energy can leak across cards to desensitize

the receivers, causing packet loss, packet retransmissions, and reduced 

I expect you will get several comments from people who will advise you 
that they have several radios in one box and "it's working great". 
Either they have a good engineering staff that knew how to carefully 
engineer and design the entire box with excellent RF shielding between 
the multiple cards or (much more likely) they do not understand the 
issues of RF leakage, receiver overload, and the consequent throughput 
reduction and they HAVE NOT TESTED their "solution" under conditions of 
heavy loading so they don't realize the shortcomings of their design.

In summary, it may be more inconvenient to use separate (well shielded) 
metal enclosures for different Wi-Fi (or other) radios but using 
separate enclosures will give you a MUCH HIGHER CHANCE of achieving full

throughput from each radio. Throughput is of course what customers pay 
WISPs to deliver so WISPs are advised to consider the costs of both 
technician labor and (lost) business reputation when making 
multiple-radio Wi-Fi hardware decisons.


Matt Liotta wrote:

> We don't do much Wi-Fi, so I figured I would ask the list. If I wanted

> to deploy a number of Wi-Fi radios at the same location what kind of 
> setups are available? I am looking for something where I can deploy
> physical box that has multiple radios as opposed to a single box per 
> radio. Ideally, it would be something modular where I can have a 
> variable number of radio interfaces by simply adding cards.
> Does anything like that exist?
> -Matt

Jack Unger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
Serving the License-Free Wireless Industry Since 1993
Author of the WISP Handbook - "Deploying License-Free Wireless WANs"
True Vendor-Neutral WISP Consulting-Training-Troubleshooting
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Phone (VoIP Over Broadband Wireless) 818-227-4220  www.ask-wi.com

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