Insofar as Mark proposed that wireless systems be certified like PCs - e.g.,
that a system is authorized if all of its  component parts are certified,
and assembled in a typical fashion - I am posting the Introduction to the
FCC's NPRM 95-46 on "Digital Devices, Equipment Authorization". The complete
text can be found at **.


    1.  By this action, the Commission proposes to amend Parts 2 and
15 of the rules to
streamline the equipment authorization requirements for personal
computers and personal
computer peripherals.  Specifically, we are proposing to relax the
equipment authorization
requirements for these devices from FCC certification to a new
equipment authorization process
based on a manufacturer's or supplier's declaration of compliance.
Under this new equipment
authorization procedure, a manufacturer or equipment supplier would
test a product to ensure
compliance with our standards for limiting radio frequency (RF)
emissions and would include a
statement of compliance with those standards in the literature
furnished with the equipment.  We
are also proposing to permit personal computers to be authorized based
on tests and approval of
their individual components, without further testing of the completed
assembly.  These changes
would allow manufacturers and suppliers to market new equipment
without having to submit an
application for equipment authorization and await FCC approval.  We
anticipate that these
proposed rule changes would save industry approximately $250 million
annually.  They would
also stimulate the creation of jobs and competition in the computer
industry by relaxing
regulations that are particularly burdensome for small manufacturers
and would align the FCC
equipment authorization requirements for personal computers with those
used in other parts of
the world.

Dylan Oliver
Primaverity, LLC
WISPA Wireless List:



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