Charter Pipeline in this market is not multi-homed. It costs me about $40K per year to be multi-homed. I do not see it as a necessity. That is MY opinion. It costs Joe User about $40 per month more to be multi-homed in my market. It is what I suggest to anyone who says they depend on their Internet for their livelihood. Why would you you not consider this a logical solution for your customer?

If I multi-home my upstream but not my backhaul then that is a point of failure. If I multi-home my upstream and my backhaul but my AP for that sector is not duplicated with a backup fail over unit then that is a point of failure. If I do not have two subscriber CPE at each customer location then that becomes a point of failure. The smarter approach in my opinion is to sell two separate services to your mission critical customers from two separate providers and link through a fail over router. At least that becomes the single only point of failure in the solution. But you know what, you should do it however you want because you own your business and that is YOUR choice. If you think you can make your system never fail and still earn a profit then more power to you. I would rather sell decent quality broadband service, make some money and use secondary broadband providers in my area as fail over for those customers who demand near perfection. I am a smaller operator in a rural area and this is the trade off I choose to make to deliver the best value.

Matt Liotta wrote:

George Rogato wrote:

You know, this really is the answer. Two different isp's

I've had the customers over the years, that want 10- 9's because their business depends upon the internet, but then they don't want to pay an extra 30 - 40.00 per month to get it.

So you would recommend to your customer to have two different ISPs, but for your business, which is an ISP... you don't think you should be multi-homed?


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