Forbes is on the west coast, so when you sent your note at 9AM EST, it was
6AM there...give him a bit of time to get his coffee and get online.  He's a
fair man, and if you are correct, I'm sure it will be straightened out.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Basil Karjohn
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Warning Fradulent Company

When I came aware of this I called Mr Forbes offices and he was never in,  I
sent him an email to contact us regarding this matter, we have not heard
from him. I question Mr Forbes as a good operator and businessman conduct if
so why did he not contact our office to clirify this stuation,

Comment by Mr Forbes: 

It's a shame we can't just shoot these people.   Like I was telling one of
my employees today, there are so many ways to honestly make money that these
people that spend all their energy defrauding people are such a waste of our
oxygen.  There you are warned, my friends

Is this a  good operator and a fine businessman ?

 we are only responding to his article as he has damage our credibility, Mr
Forbes and his Companies is the one that has taken this issue into several
newsgroup, therefore he need to retract this statement. We have all
documentation pertaining to this matter. I am still waiting on his response.

Where is Mr Forbes ? 
I would appreciate his responce as he is the one that posted this. 
What is the motive behind this?  

See comments from other members that have posted responce from this article
We are committed to customer satisfaction 

I will be more that happy to discuss this with Mr forbes, so he may retract
this statement and have this matter settled.

Rick Harnish <rharnish <at>> writes:

 Obviously, in our busy industry, mistakes are bound to happen.  I suggest
 Forbes and Basil get together and work this out offlist.  I'm sure that a
cordial exchange can provide beneficial to both parties without damaging
 each others credibility or taking the issue into the courts.  Forbes is a
 good operator and a fine businessman, I'm sure he will make his attempt to
 rectify the situation and I'm sure you will too Basil.  
 This isn't the first time that there has been issues between customers and
 vendors brought on list to force the issue.  I personally think sometimes
 that is needed.  Once done, though please close your business transactions
 offlist and hopefully report a successful closure once it is done.
 Thank you,
 Rick Harnish
 OnlyInternet Broadband & Wireless, Inc.
 Founding Member of WISPA

 -----Original Message-----
 From: wireless-bounces <at> [mailto:wireless-bounces <at>] On
 Behalf Of Basil Karjohn
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2007 6:33 AM
To: wireless <at>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Warning Fradulent Company
 Forbes Mercy <sysop <at>> writes:
 The company and last week it was is a
fraudulent company that is trying to rip off companies buying Wireless 
 card and said they were going to drop ship our Rootenna's out of Pacific 
 Wireless in three days.  Pacific
 Wireless doesn't know who they are and never received an order but then
talked to their partner
 company who got the order but never was sent payment.   
Senao then said they had called here many times and never did then this 
weekend we were suddenly signed up for
a calling card from using our company number and it
 traced back to Senao so we had
 to cancel the company card.  The bank had already credited the amount 
 stating this company has a long
 history of fraud.  After we tried emailing the company again today they
an answer to the wrong name
 saying it's now coming Tuesday.  We don't know what to think because it's 
now two weeks late and before any of
 you try them you should know what you could be up against.  We now ordered

from someone else.
 It's a shame we can't just shoot these people.   Like I was telling one of

 my employees today, there are so many
ways to honestly make money that these people that spend all their energy 
 defrauding people are such a
 waste of our oxygen.  There you are warned, my friends.

 Forbes Mercy
 President - Washington Broadband, Inc.
 I am the owner of this company, and I came across this article, I have
 Mr Forbes the oppertunity to contact our office, And we have not heard from

 him,  He is in hiding, This information is incorrect and I encurage him to 
 contact us by the email I sent him with our contact information. there will
 legal action taken against him and his companies.
 Basil Karjohn
 Wireless solution

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