
The FCC should not have to bribe Wireless Providers for this information. If Wireless Providers are serious about playing in this field then they should fill out the proper paperwork they are asked to file. If not then they will have to pay the price of not being looked as serious players and not given the time of day. With little to no market share, why would the FCC even pick up the phone? They have been more than generous to meet with WISPA as often as they have.

Dawn DiPietro

John Thomas wrote:
It just seems that if the information is important, the FCC should be willing to put their money where their mouth is.
I don't know who would actually put up the money.


Peter R. wrote:
I think many (half?) don't even know that they have to file.
Many don't understand CALEA or know that they need to comply.
So $500... it would probably get you about 400 more, but who will pony up the $200k?


John Thomas wrote:

Pete, you hit on an interesting idea. What if the FCC were to pay the ISP say $500 each year to fill out the 477? Would more ISP's participate?


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