Thank you Jack. I am glad to see someone doing something for their beliefs instead of kicking WISPA in the chins for not doing it for them. WISPA is here for all of you to interact and decide what and how you want to represent yourselves and your industry. Jack knows that means he can do something and is doing something. Way to go Jack. It is usually only 4 or 5 of us within WISPA who actually do something to light a fire under people's butts. I am glad to see you take the step this time. That's called leadership people. Jack showed you how its done folks. If you want change then make it happen. This was less work than complaining about the problem and is infinitely more productive toward getting something done about the issues that many have been talking about here with regard to fears of inability to meet the demands of CALEA.

Jack Unger wrote:

Dear Representative Stupak,

I'm writing to support your request on March 14, 2007 asking that the FCC Commissioners consider a waiver from CALEA regulations for small broadband providers.

In a nutshell, the costs of complying with the CALEA provisions are far in excess of what small broadband providers can afford to pay. It is poor government policy to allow the costs of CALEA compliance to literally put small broadband providers out of business thereby denying broadband Internet access to many rural Americans.

Do you plan to introduce legislation that directs the FCC to reconsider their regulations and to consider the compliance costs when regulating small Internet access providers?

Please advise me how I can further support your effort to retain broadband Internet access service for rural Americans.

Thank you for your time, interest, and efforts.

            Jack Unger

P.S. - I am copying this email to the general email list maintained by the Wireless Internet Service Providers Association ( to help as many small ISPs as possible learn about and support your efforts in their behalf. I will forward your response to this list.

WISPA Wireless List:



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