Since USF has been brought up, I would like to have the opinion of some of
the WISPA members that have more intimate knowledge of the Telco industry
than myself on the following H.R Bill 2054 and what if any impact it will


On April 26, 2007 Rick Boucher (D-VA) and Lee Terry (R-NE) introduced the
Universal Service Reform Act of 2007 to improve the Universal Service Fund
(USF) and ensure its continued viability by broadening the base of
contributions into the Fund, controlling distributions from the Fund, and
assisting with the rollout of high speed broadband access.

Section 2: Defines a communications service provider as any entity that: (1)
currently pays into or receives funds from the universal service fund (e.g.,
long distance providers and local exchange service); (2) uses telephone
numbers or IP addresses, or their functional successors or equivalents, to
offer real-time, two-way voice communications in which the voice component
is the primary function (e.g., cable telephony and VoIP providers) or (3)
offers a network connection to the public (e.g., DSL, cable modem, WiMax and
broadband over powerline providers).

Defines high speed broadband serviceĀ as a two-way network that uses
Internet protocol or a successor protocol to enable end users to receive
communications, including voice, data, video or any other form, in Internet
protocol format at a download receiving rate of one megabit per second or
greater. The FCC is directed to review the one megabit per second speed
requirement every other year beginning the sixth year after the date of
enactment and to make adjustments to move to higher speeds as deployment and
advancement of new technology allows communications service providers to
provide higher broadband speeds to end users in an economically efficient



On 5/31/07, Sam Tetherow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't deny any of that, but I'd be pretty pissed as a telco customer
if they are allowed to pull out of those areas.  A very large amount of
money has been funneled through the USF program so that voice lines are
available in the hinterlands.

How many millions of USF dollars has Verizon pulled out of their
Northern New England customers?  I would be very willing to bet that it
is significantly more than they have spent on maintaining the copper to
those customers.

Yes the rural areas a losing money which is why the USF existed in the
first place, someone decided that all telco customers should fund voice
to every home regardless of its economic viability.  Right or wrong,
that was the deal they signed on for, they have taken the money for this
long but now when they are having to make sizable reinvestment they are
trying to weasel their way out of it.

However, the real point of my reply on the email was that some customers
are still more economically served via copper rather than wireless.

    Sam Tetherow
    Sandhills Wireless

WISPA Wireless List:



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