You don't have any dumpsters where you live? :)

   Sam Tetherow
   Sandhills Wireless

Jory Privett wrote:
I still have a closet full of RayLink gear I would like to get rid of.

Jory Privett

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gino Villarini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 9:50 AM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Glossary, updated from 6 years ago post

Wow, 6 years ago I was toying with Symbol Spectrum24 FHSS cards and APs, Proxim Rangelan2 and RAylink gear ....

Gino A. Villarini
Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
tel  787.273.4143   fax   787.273.4145

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Hammett
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 9:28 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Glossary, updated from 6 years ago post

Wow, 6.5 years ago... I don't think I was even looking at becoming a WISP
then.  ;-)


----- Original Message ----- From: "Patrick Leary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" <>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 3:21 PM
Subject: [WISPA] Glossary, updated from 6 years ago post

So I was looking through some old material when I came across this glossary of wireless business related acronyms that WISPs should be familiar with in this space. For the new person, it can be daunting to keep track. I sent to
this list 6 1/2 years ago. I though it merited a re-send, with some
additions. Deeper concepts are further below.

Hope it is helpful and if I missed any key ones, please add.

Patrick Leary
AVP, Market Development
Alvarion, Inc.
o: 650.314.2628
c: 760.580.0080

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Leary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 8:29 PM
Subject: Glossary

Common abbreviations and/or acronyms...

477: (Form 477) FCC's mandatory broadband reporting form for commercial
AAA server: authentication authorization accounting server
APD: automatic protocol detection
AES OCB: usually just called "AES," advanced encryption standard offset code
AIFS: arbitration inter-frame spacing
AP: access point
ARK: automatic retransmission queing
ARS: automatic rate switching
ASN-GW: access service network gateway
ATPC: automatic transmit power control
AU: access unit (same as above)
BE: best effort
BER: bit error rate
BRS: Broadband Radio Service (commercial side of the 2.5 GHz allocation in
the US)
BSS: basic service set
BST: base station (referred more often this way in licensed networks)
BWA: broadband wireless access
BWIA: broadband wireless Internet access (Steve Stroh's preferred acronym)
CBR: constant bit rate
CC: convolutional coding
CDL: cell distance learning (refers to an automatic process within RF
CDMA: code division multiple access
CG (or UGS): constant grant or unsolicited grant service
CIR: committed information rate
CoS: class of service
CPE: customer premises equipment
C/I: carrier to interference ratio
CSMA/CA: carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance
EBS: Educational Broadband Spectrum (2.5 GHz allocated to non-profits, may
be sublet), formerly ITFS (Instructional Fixed Television Service)
DFS: dynamic frequency selection
DFS2 or DFS+: second generation DFS (mandated for all new 5.3 and all 5.4
DIFS: distributed coordination function inter-frame spacing)
DS (or DSSS): direct sequence spread spectrum
EIRP: effective isotropic radiated power (expressed in dB)
EMI: electromagnetic interference
ESSID: extended service set ID
FCC: Federal Communications Commission
FDD: frequency division duplex
FEQ: forward error correction
FFT: fast fourier transform mathematical algorithm
FH (or FHSS): frequency hopping spread spectrum
FIPS: federal information processing standards
GFSK: Gausian frequency shift keying
HIPPA: Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
IC: Industry Canada (Canadian peer to FCC)
IDU: indoor unit
IF: intermediate frequency
ISM: Industrial, Scientific, and Medical
LOS: Line of sight
LQI: link quality indicator
MAC: media access control
MAN: metropolitan area network
MIB: management information bit(s)
MIR: maximum information rate
NLOS: Near/non LOS
NMS: network management system
NPU: network processing unit
OA&M: operation, administration & maintenance
ODU: outdoor unit
OET: Office of Engineering and Technology (FCC division responsible for
equipment authorization and rules enforcement)
OFDM: orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
OFDMA: orthogonal frequency division multiple access
OBE or OOBE: out-of-band emissions
PAN: personal area network
Part 15: refers to FCC regulations in Part 15.247 of the Federal Code
governing certain UL bands
PIU: power interface unit
PoE: power over Ethernet
PtMP or PmP: point-to-multipoint
PtP: Point-to-point
QAM: quadrature amplitude modulation
QinQ: VLAN type that allows customer to have own VLAN inside the operator's
QoS: quality of service
RAN: radio access network
RFI: radio frequency interference
RSSI: receive(r) signal strength index/indication
rtPS: real time polling services
RTS/CTS: request to send, clear to send
Rx: receive
RTCP: real time control protocol
RTP: real time protocol
SCADA: supervisory control and data acquisition
SDR: software defined radio
SIF: short inter-frame spacing
SIP: session initiation protocol
SNR: signal to noise ratio
SOFDMA: scalable orthogonal frequency division multiple access
STC: space time coding
TDD: time division duplex
TDMA: time division multiple access
TVoIP: TV over IP
Tx: transmit
UL: offen used to abbreviate "unlicensed," but also could mean "uplink"
UNII: Universal Information Infrastructure
VLAN: virtual LAN
VoIP: voice over IP
VPN: virtual private network
VOFDM: vector OFDM
WCS: Wireless Communications Service (2.3 GHz licensed band)
WEP: wired equivalent privacy
WiMAX: wireless interoperability, microwave access
WLAN: wireless LAN
WLL: wireless local loop

Some terms...

The dB convention is an abbreviation for decibels. It is a mathematical
expression showing the
relationship between two values.

RF Power Level
RF power level at either transmitter output or receiver input is expressed
in Watts. It can also be
expressed in dBm. The relation between dBm and Watts can be expressed as
follows: PdBm = 10 x Log Pmw
For example: 1 Watt = 1000 mW; PdBm = 10 x Log 1000 = 30 dBm 100 mW; PdBm =
10 x Log 100 = 20 dBm
For link budget calculations, the dBm convention is more convenient than the
Watts convention.

Loss of power, expressed in dB
Attenuation is expressed in dB as follows:PdB = 10 x Log (Pout/Pin)
For example: If, due to attenuation, half the power is lost (Pout/Pin = 2),
attenuation in dB is 10 x Log (2) = 3dB

Path Loss
Path loss is the loss of power of an RF signal travelling (propagating)
through space. It is expressed
in dB. Path loss depends on:
1. The distance between transmitting and receiving antennas.
2. Line of sight clearance between the receiving and transmitting antennas.
3. Antenna height.

Free Space Loss
Attenuation of the electromagnetic wave while propagating through space.
This attenuation is
calculated using the following formula:
Free space loss = 32.4 + 20xLog F(MHz) + 20xLog R(Km)
F is the RF frequency expressed in MHz.
R is the distance between the transmitting and receiving antennas.
At 2.4 Ghz, this formula is: 100+20xLog R(Km)

Isotropic Antenna
A hypothetical, lossless antenna having equal radiation intensity in all
directions. Used as a zero dB
gain reference in directivity calculation (gain). The sun is often given as
an example of an isotropic radiator.

Antenna gain is a measure of directivity. It is defined as the ratio of the
radiation intensity in a given
direction to the radiation intensity that would be obtained if the power
accepted by the antenna was
radiated equally in all directions (isotropically). Antenna gain is
expressed in dBi.

Radiation Pattern
The radiation pattern is a graphical representation in either polar or
rectangular coordinates of the
spatial energy distribution of an antenna.

Side Lobes
The radiation lobes in any direction other than that of the main lobe.

Omni-directional Antenna
This antenna radiates and receives equally in all directions in azimuth.

Directional Antenna
This antenna radiates and receives most of the signal power in one

Antenna Beamwidth
The directiveness of a directional antenna. Defined as the angle between two
half-power (-3 dB)
points on either side of the main lobe of radiation.

Receiver Sensitivity
The minimum RF signal power level required at the input of a receiver for
certain performance (e.g.

EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power)
The antenna transmitted power. Equal to the transmitted output power minus
cable loss plus the
transmitting antenna gain. EIRP = Pout - Ct + Gt

Pout = Output power of transmitted in dBm
Ct = Transmitter cable attenuation in dB
Gt = Transmitting antenna gain in dBi
Gr = Receiving antenna gain in dBi
Pl = Path loss in dB
Cr = Receiver cable attenuation is dB
Si = Received power level at receiver input in dBm
Ps = Receiver sensitivity is dBm
Si = Pout - Ct + Gt - Pl + Gr - Cr

Link Parameters:
Frequency: 2.4 Ghz
Pout = 4 dBm (2.5 mW)
Tx and Rx cable length (Ct and Cr) = 10 m. cable type RG214 (0.6 dB/meter)
Tx and Rx antenna gain (Gt and Gr) = 18 dBi
Distance between sites = 3 Km
Receiver sensitivity (Ps) = -84 dBm
Link Budget Calculation
EIRP = Pout - Ct + Gt = 16 dBm
Pl = 32.4 + 20xLog F(MHz) + 20xLog R(Km) @ 110 dB
Si = EIRP - Pl + Gr - Cr = -82 dBm
In conclusion, the received signal power is above the sensitivity threshold,
so the link should work.
The problem is that there is only a 2 dB difference between received signal
power and sensitivity.
Normally, a higher margin is desirable due to fluctuation in received power
as a result of signal

Signal Fading
Fading of the RF signal is caused by several factors:
1. Multipath
The transmitted signal arrives at the receiver from different directions,
with different path lengths,
attenuation and delays. The summed signal at the receiver may result in an
attenuated signal.
2. Bad Line of Sight
An optical line of sight exists if an imaginary straight line can connect
the antennas on either side
of the link. Radio wave clear line of sight exists if a certain area around
the optical line of sight (Fresnel zone)
is clear of obstacles. A bad line of sight exists if the first Fresnel zone
is obscured.
3. Link Budget Calculations
4. Weather conditions (Rain, wind, etc.)
At high rain intensity (150 mm/hr), the fading of an RF signal at 2.4 Ghz
may reach a maximum of
0.02 dB/Km. Wind may cause fading due to antenna motion.
5. Interference
Interference may be caused by another system on the same frequency range,
external noise, or
some other co-located system.

The Line of Sight Concept
An optical line of sight exists if an imaginary straight line can be drawn
connecting the antennas on
either side of the link.

Clear Line of Sight
A clear line of sight exists when no physical objects obstruct viewing one
antenna from the location
of the other antenna. A radio wave clear line of sight exists if a defined area around the optical line of sight (Fresnel Zone)is clear of obstacles.

Fresnel Zone (pronounced: fruh nell)
The Fresnel zone is the area of a circle around the line of sight. The
Fresnel Zone is defined as follows:
R1 = ½ square root of (lxD)
R: radius of the first fresnel zone
l: wavelength
D: distance between sites

Fairness Factor
The Fairness Factor enables to define the level of fairness in providing
services to different SUs. When set to 100%, all SUs have the same
probability of getting services when competing for bandwidth. If set to X%, then SUs located up to X% of the maximum distance from the AU will have an advantage in getting services over SUs located farther than this distance.

Patrick Leary
District Manager, Southeast U.S.
(FL, SC, NC, GA, TN, AL, MS)
BreezeCOM Wireless
The global leader in broadband wireless access solutions.
pcs 770.331.5849
home office 352.592.5409
efax 509.479.2374

Pete Gonzales
Inside Account Manager, Southeast U.S.
fax 760.517.3200


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