
I have the following setup that is giving me fits, (still):

350' FM tower, 25K watt FM bays up near the top, another set, 3k, down around 220'. We have two MT backhauls w/ parabolics located in between the FM antennas that are running fine. Down around 180' we have a tranzeo 5AN w/ a 120 sector that's got us all fouled up. The first radio lived fine for a couple of months then started flopping up and down and finally died. Replaced that unit with one that stayed up for @ 15 minutes, then locked us out, couldnt ping it either. It was powered up, but lan light was out. Swapped in another new unit that behaved the same. Swapped poe, AC adapters, recrimped and tested cabling good. Tried to get into unit, still no go. We considered the cable length as a possible problem, so we spooled off the exact cable length needed (230') stretched it across the ground and sent continuous pings to a new radio for @ 20 minutes with no dropped packets. We then raised this new cable up and plugged it into the existing radio on the tower. It would power up fine, but couldnt find it with the discovery utility and couldnt ping it. We regrounded, recrimped, retested everything and the stupid thing still wouldnt come to life. So we dropped the 230' of cabling and radio back down to the ground, powered it back up and could get right into it. It would drop packets every now and then however. We plugged a new radio into the cable and it ran flawlessly. I thought of pointing at the lower FM array, but we had the same symptoms when the 3K watt station was powered off. The cabling is all sheilded. The MT units are running fine on the same type of cabling on the same leg. Ive considered running the cabling in conduit and isolating the radio and radio ground from the tower, but would like to consider anything else before going that route. Maybe we are the victims of three bad radios in a row? I dont want to have to shoot these radios, but they're starting to make us pretty cranky. Any and all suggestions welcome.


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