I think the key would be that these portable devices require a AP to
talk to, and that AP's be limited as licensed devices (like 3650). The
protocol would need to be setup so that they do not talk unless they
can hear a AP (and handshake a stable link). This is my opinion of the
best middle ground (unlicensed vs portable devices vs fixed point
wireless). I also agree in splitting the band so you have group A (out
door fixed wireless), group B (short range, say 1000ft link). This
would allow CPE to be designed from the ground up as node devices.
Does this seam reasonable?

On 1/18/08, Mac Dearman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have mixed thoughts about backing any stand that is for allowing portable
> devices in this spectrum. I deal (daily) in a trash hole of spectrum because
> of these very same "portable" devices. What do you Wireless Internet Service
> Providers want anyway? Do you want spectrum that is fit to be used to
> deliver quality broadband at higher rates of data transfer, better coverage
> areas, spectrum that cuts the foliage like butter with a super low noise
> floor that is allocated and kept up with by the FCC via their ULS site? - OR
> - do you want to share the spectrum with every device known to China, Korea,
> Japan and the USA as we fight (like we do today) to find a clean channel to
> pass a few megs on?
>  I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I joined WISPA to allow WISPA
> beat the drums in DC for WISPs across the USA. I joined WISPA with the hope
> that we will eventually get some spectrum that is fit to use without paying
> $2.2 million for the rights to it. WISPA is IMHO just what it says -
> what is best for us as a whole. We don't have to alienate anyone and I would
> suggest we do just the opposite - -befriend these guys, but be true to
> thyself and thy industry first! I'm not ready to act like a politician and
> throw out the baby with the wash water. I believe that we will eventually
> get what we ask for - if we are persistent. Aligning ourselves beside the
> "newly formed" (less than a month old) WIA is not going to hurt us if we
> don't, but would absolutely give the WIA the clout to say they have all the
> WISDPS supporting their stand - - and believe it or not guys - - DC hears us
> loud and clear! There are FCC commissioners who know us by name, who we are,
> what we are doing and what we are looking for out of them - let's keep the
> bathwater warm and the baby in it.
>  This is not the first time we have had to make a decision along these lines
> and it won't be the last. Common ground is easily found and agreed upon
> without swallowing the hook, line and sinker along with a dab of bait. There
> are many issues that we could agree on/support with WIA - I am sure.
> One thing is for sure: If you support the newly formed WIA's stance on
> utilizing TVWHITESPACE for personal portable devices you can look forward to
> a ripped spectrum like we have now where we are all trying to make a living.
> The WIA is comprised of companies like Microsoft, HP (delivering just what
> we need - every printer will be spewing whitespace noise like they do in 2.4
> now) Dell (same thing) Google with their phones and little gadgets and
> millions more.
> Sincerely,
> Mac Dearman
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Behalf Of Tom DeReggi
> > Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 4:18 PM
> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; WISPA General List
> > Subject: Re: [WISPA] [Fwd: Re: Wireless industry slams NAB's white
> > space'misinformation']
> >
> > Sascha's got a good point.
> >
> > So the question is.... If WISPA alienates groups lobbying for Public
> > portable devices, Who all would still be allies with WISPA to fight for
> > open
> > access to it?
> >
> > Sascha infers, not many. What does WISPA think? As much as I respect
> > how
> > much WISPA has done so far to fight for the rights in 700, my personal
> > opinion is WISPA does not have enough mucsle on its won to cause
> > effective
> > result.  WISPA needs allies.  Everyone I can think of that would be an
> > allie, would want portable devices, except other WISPs.
> >
> > I truly hate this. It makes us chose between either "sound technical
> > theory", versus "Politics", that otherwise might leave us empty handed.
> > But
> > that might be reality.
> >
> > I agree with Marlon, that with personal portable devices allowed, I
> > don't
> > see how it could ever work out to be effectively used by Fixed
> > Broadband
> > providers.
> > But, maybe a better use for it, is for Portable devices, to give the
> > Telcos
> > some real competition, and WISPs would just need to modify their
> > business
> > model to benefit from it?
> >
> > Tom DeReggi
> > RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
> > IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Sascha Meinrath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: <wireless@wispa.org>
> > Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 1:14 PM
> > Subject: [WISPA] [Fwd: Re: Wireless industry slams NAB's white
> > space'misinformation']
> >
> >
> > > Hi everyone,
> > >
> > >> Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 22:26:54 -0800
> > >> From: "Marlon K. Schafer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> Subject: Re: [WISPA] Wireless industry slams NAB's white space
> > >> 'misinformation'
> > >> To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
> > >>
> > >> I've sent a note to WIA and asked if they'd be interested in a
> > discussion
> > >> focused on finding common ground between them and us.
> > >>
> > >> It's my belief that WISPA needs to fight tooth and nail to keep
> > personal
> > >> portable devices out of the whitespaces band.  At least at first
> > (really
> > >> forever as far as I'm concerned).
> > >>
> > >> Anyone have a problem with that as a firm stance?
> > >> marlon
> > >
> > > I'm all for firm stands, but not for self-destructive ones.  Having
> > been
> > > working
> > > on white space devices since 2004 and been here in DC working daily
> > on the
> > > issue
> > > since last August, I can tell you that what Marlon is proposing would
> > play
> > > directly into the hands of the same telcos that would love to
> > eliminate
> > > competition from folks like independent WISPs.
> > >
> > > NAB doesn't want _any_ unlicensed devices -- whether portable or
> > fixed --
> > > they're interested solely in a) no access to this spectrum and b)
> > licensed
> > > access if the first notion fails.  If you jettison unlicensed
> > portable
> > > devices
> > > you will lose the political support of both the industry players as
> > well
> > > as the
> > > public interest community working to open this spectrum.  At which
> > point
> > > you'll
> > > have WISPA fighting against NAB (who'll then go to the telcos and say
> > > "Hey, you
> > > can have regional and/or national spectrum access if you join our
> > side").
> > > Unlicensed portable WSDs might not be the optimal solution for WISPA
> > > (though I
> > > think that's debatable), but access to this spectrum would be a huge
> > boon
> > > to
> > > WISPs across the country.  What's being proposed would put WISPA on
> > the
> > > wrong
> > > side of this battle, hurt our chances to get _any_ access to the
> > spectrum,
> > > and
> > > may inadvertently end up harming WISPA members.
> > >
> > > This is an incredibly complex political issue; more importantly, WSDs
> > are
> > > built
> > > to be spectrum-aware, which means that a lot of the messiness we've
> > seen
> > > in
> > > 802.11 will be alleviated -- keep in mind we're also talking about a
> > huge
> > > swath
> > > a spectrum with propagation characteristics that are quite different
> > from
> > > 2.4
> > > and 5GHz.  I'm just worried that WISPA is about to weigh in on
> > something
> > > without
> > > doing the necessary due diligence to know the ramifications of these
> > > actions.
> > > In the meantime, I would encourage folks who are interested in
> > learning
> > > about
> > > WSDs to read New America Foundation's policy backgrounder:
> > >
> > >
> > http://www.newamerica.net/files/WhiteSpaceDevicesBackgrounder120607.pdf
> > >
> > > In solidarity,
> > >
> > > --Sascha
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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