On Sun, 6 Jul 2008, John McDowell wrote:

>I'd like to know how each and everyone of the Board of Directors 
>runs his/her network:

I'm not on the board, but wanted to add my own suggestions here. 
(BTW, why ask this question of just the BOD?)

> Routers?

Mikrotik and ImageStream.  Both have their place in the network.  I 
like both platforms.  Mikrotik's new CPE devices are cheap, yet 
offer a featureset unparallelled in the CPE market.  ImageStream is 
about 1/2 price when compared to Cisco at the core of the network, 
and still offers a featureset that can't be purchased in a Cisco 
device at ANY price.

> Billing Software?

Of course, we all use this.  ;-)  Seriously, though, I was a fan of 
FreeSide for a long time and still think it's a good platform.  It 
is not something that you can start in the morning and have it 
working by noon, though.  Many of MY customers are using Quickbooks, 
which I absolutely LOATHE!  (QB, not my customers).  If you're into 
the idea of online invoicing and don't need the accounting features 
of QB or Freeside, then FreshBooks is a good choice.  If you wanna 
try FreshBooks, let me know and I'll get you set up with a free 
trial account.

> VoIP?

Vox is the hands down winner here, IMO.  I have tried MANY of the 
solutions out there, and can recommend Vox without hesitation. 
Again, for those that wish to look into VoIP, let me know directly 
and I'll help you get set up.

> Number of Customers?

This is one I can't answer, as I'm no longer in the WISP business. 

*Butch Evans                    *Professional Network Consultation *
*Network Engineering            *MikroTik RouterOS                 *
*573-276-2879                   *ImageStream                       *
*http://www.butchevans.com/     *StarOS and MORE                   *
*http://blog.butchevans.com/    *Wired or wireless Networks        *
*Mikrotik Certified Consultant  *Professional Technical Trainer    *

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