The AirOS that comes on the Nanostations also has polling.... the issue is having a product that is compatible and has the features that people are already used to. Having Mikrotik on the Nano's would open up a whole new world.


Gino Villarini wrote:
Well you all have the option to flash the nanostations with oswave firmware.  The oswave has polling...


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Larsen - Lists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 3:21 AM
To: WISPA General List <>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Nanostations

Travis Johnson wrote:

I agree with almost everything you said... except the polling part. 
Having a robust, efficient polling system is the best thing available 
for outdoor wireless. That is one of the main reasons we are now using 
Mikrotik is because of their Nstreme and polling system. We are 
finding now it's not the same quality as Trango's polling, but it does 

How else do you keep a single customer from taking down an entire AP 
with a large upload (usually from an infection, virus, worm, etc.)? I 
have tested this over and over and over, and every time I come back to 
the same conclusion... you have to have a polling system to control 
the upload, otherwise the customer with the best signal dominates the 
AP (on the upload side).

Here is a very simple test... set up an AP with two connected clients 
without polling. Start an upload on one client and then try doing a 
download or even a ping from the 2nd client. My tests show the 
download and/or ping to be very unreliable and very sporadic. Now, if 
you turn polling on and do the same test, everything works fine while 
the upload is running and the 2nd client can't even tell there is an 
upload running.

Um, bandwidth limiting?   As long as the AP has the upload speed coming 
from the client capped to a rate slightly less than the total capacity 
of the pipe, its not a problem.   I'm doing the test right now, and I 
have rock solid pings, with a little bit of jitter. 

What we really need is the Nanostation-ROS... a Nanostation running 
Mikrotik (even for $50 more per unit)... that would be the killer 
CPE... I would place an order for 500 right now today. :)


Or Nanostation-SOS - a Nano running StarOS.  

Matt Larsen

Matt Larsen - Lists wrote:
Hi Travis,

I'm with you - the Nanostations are a pretty amazing product.   I've 
been deploying Nanostations on 10mhz channels in 2.4 and 5ghz with 
StarOS access points and the performance/interference resistance is 
pretty amazing at ANY price point.   I could say the same thing for the 
newer Tranzeo CPE units as well, but they can't match up with the 
Ubiquity price point just yet.

It is neat to see a product with many of the Canopy advantages (rich 
features, small footprint, inexpensive to produce, good interference 
resistance) that is compatible with the 802.11a/b/g standards and thus 
able to take advantage of the very innovative Mikrotik and StarOS 

I'm curious to see if someone comes up with a good reflector for the 
Nanostation radios.  That would enable the use of the adaptive antenna 
mode, and since StarOS has the ability to switch connectors on the fly - 
and potentially polarity if hooked up to a dual-pol antenna - you would 
end up with a standards based product that would have nearly every 
feature that the Trangos had that made them special (noise threshold at 
the AP, software switchable polarity, site survey, etc).   No polling, 
but that is one of the most overrated features anyway.

Matt Larsen

Travis Johnson wrote:

I would agree... I think there is an opportunity as well. There are some 
new products in the market recently (Ubiquiti Nanostation) that could 
shake things up a little. Getting an FCC product with PoE and a Ubiquiti 
quality radio for $79 is pretty amazing (I will be testing some this 
coming week). It really makes you wonder how much money some of these 
companies can really have into a radio system (Trango, Canopy, etc.) 
when Ubiquiti can sell a brand new product for $79 MSRP. Granted there 
are not a lot of "bells and whistles", but honestly most of the WISP's 
out there don't need that. If you can buy a radio for $79, you can put 
whatever you need behind it (Cisco, Mikrotik, etc.) and still be less 
than $200 for a nice CPE.

I think Trango's first mistake was the "mesh" game they played for a 
year. Then when they decide to get back into the game, they promise a 
product that seems too good to be true... and now it turns out, it was. 
So, they are now 2+ years behind everyone else in the R&D world, and 
they are losing customers left and right. The licensed market may help 
get them by for a while, but I don't think that is enough business to 
sustain the company forever.


Charles Wu wrote:

I agree with you 100%...I still think there's a huge opportunity in the market right now that's being missed for a solid 2nd player (not Motorola Canopy) in the last-mile access space

However, neither you nor I run Trango

If you step back and look at the situation, this discussion is pretty interesting, coming from 2 people who really know Trango well-- we were their largest distributor back before they got rid of the channel, and you probably operate one of the largest Trango networks now

That said, you've started building out your network with different access solutions, and we're doing other stuff

It looks like we've both moved on...


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