So, if I have a suspect antenna that might have got water in it, is it 
ruined, or can it dry out, be resealed and work just fine?

Specifically, I have a couple omni's from sites that seemed to be under 
powered.  The culprit could have been the radio card, pigtail, cable or 
omni, I don't know.  I replaced it all.  The reason I ask about the omni 
is because way back a few years ago I got paranoid after I have some 
water issues.  A couple of these omni's I put too much tape and mastic 
on the bottom by the connector.  I wrapped it up too high and thick and 
covered the weep holes in the bottom of the omni.  So maybe I got 
condensation, or water in there if it could not leak out....

So if an omni like that got wet, will it dry and be ok?  What about a 
dipole on a grid?


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